Contract Bridge
The objectives of the activity group are to play Contract Bridge and to socialize at the same time. Usually, there are 2 to 3 tables in each session. Being a Social program there is NO TEACHING of the game. One can always ask for assistance when in doubt from the other members.
We have a drop-in program for Inter Senior Club members with a charge of 50 cents per session per person. It would be best to contact Conveners before coming to make sure we have enough players to make up a table.
Activity Information
Monday and Thursday
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Room A at Milliken Mills Community Centre
Conveners - Yoke Lan Seck and Henry Yung
For more information, please contact the Activity Conveners at the Activity venue during the scheduled time slots.
Arts and Craft
Practicing arts and crafts is an enjoyable and enriching thing to do no matter how old you are, especially for seniors.
In general, we, seniors run a higher risk of experiencing challenges to our emotional and cognitive health as we get older. Crafting offers an interesting and enjoyable solution. It stimulates the brain and encourages self‐reflection and expression.
There are two major benefits of crafting for seniors:
Improves Emotion for Seniors
When a senior takes up a creative hobby, like practicing arts and Crafts, it does more than pass the time. It also contributes to their emotional health. Crafting can help to give life a sense of forward momentum. In fact, recent studies show that engaging in arts and crafts helps to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Seniors who practice their arts or crafts regularly will improve their skills and benefit from a sense of accomplishment.
Finding a creative outlet gives seniors a chance to express themselves and redefine their personal identity.
Crafting is intertwined with memories of childhood. For some seniors, picking once-loved arts or crafts and learning them again as a senior adult can be comforting and even therapeutic.
Boosts a Senior’s Brain
Different crafts stimulate different parts of the brain and provide an enjoyable mental workout. Whether crafting is improving the skills seniors already have or trying something new, it is a brain‐boosting activity for seniors.
Enjoying arts and crafts can slow the progress of and even improve dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.
Some experts believe that crafting can lower the chances of developing “a cognitive impairment”
Memory formation and retrieval are facilitated when seniors get creative.
Being creative helps with focus and concentration.
Crafting promotes problem‐solving and critical thinking.
If you enjoy making objects for decoration and practical uses by hand, Arts and Crafts is the program you will find very interesting and useful.
In the past few years, the Arts and Crafts group has made many attractive projects from cross‐stitching, beading, paper folding, creation of miniature food items, etc.
A few items from the projects created by our instructor and students are presented in Photo Gallery.
Activity Information
1:45 pm – 4:00 pm
Room B at Milliken Mills Community Centre
your time + cost of materials provided by the instructor/project
Instructor - Pearl Kan
Convenors - Theresa, Sandra, June and Fanny
For more information, contact the activity conveners at the venue during the scheduled time slot.
練習藝術和手工藝在任何年齡都是一件有品味的賞心 樂事,尤其是對長者們有特別的益處。 一般來說,隨著長者們年齡的增長,都會面對情緒和 認知健康的挑戰。練習手工藝 (Crafting) 是一個容易 帶來滿足感和樂趣的途徑。 它能増進大腦細胞生長 並啟發表達的能力。
經常愛好練習藝術和手工藝不僅是年長者用來消 磨時間,它也助於改善他們的情緒健康。手工藝 可以助長他們生活的動力。事實上,最近的研究 表明,多練習手工藝有助於舒緩抑鬱和焦慮症.
定期練習藝術或手工藝的年長者可以提高他們 的技能並從而產生一份成就感。
能創新讓年長者有機會表達自己,並重新定義他 們的個人身份。
年長者在製造手工藝作品的過程中,經常讓他們 回憶童年。對於一些長者來說,重新學習從前喜 愛的藝術或手工藝品帶給他們一點安慰和喜悅, 甚至是有精神治療的作用。
製作不同的手工藝可以啟發大腦的不同部位,並 提供愉快的心理鍛煉。無論手工藝是提高他們已 有的技能或是嘗試創新,這對長者來說都是一項 促進大腦的活動。
享受藝術和手工藝品可以舒緩及改善癡呆症或 阿爾茨海默病。
一些專家認為,手工製作可以降低“認知障 礙”的機會。
如果您喜歡手工製作的藝術裝飾和實用物品,歡迎您 加入 Arts and Crafts (美術手工藝組), 從中您會體驗到 其奧妙和樂趣。
在過去的幾年裡,Arts and Crafts (美術手工藝組)從十 字繡、串珠、摺紙、微型食品製作等方面做出了多種 有趣悅目的裝飾品和禮品。
照片庫中展示了部分導師和同學們的作品, 歡迎參 閱。
Room B at Milliken Mills Community Centre
導師 - Pearl Kan
活動召集人 - Theresa, Sandra, June and Fanny
如需要了解詳細情形,請在上課時間內到課堂地點聯 絡以上之活動召集人。
Knitting Arts
Knitting Workshop is a community-based knitting program that combines the art of knitting with peer skill sharing and socializing. The program offfers a welcoming and inclusive space for individuals of all skill levels who share a passion for knitting or want to learn this traditional craft.
Program Highlights:
1. Skill Sharing :
Participants have the opportunity to share their knitting expertise with one another. Experienced knitters can mentor beginners, helping them learn the basics and tackle more complex projects.
2. Socializing :
While knitting is the central focus, socializing is equally important. The program encourages casual conversation, ensuring that participants feel comfortable and connect to their fellow knitters.
3. Supplies and Material:
Participants are encouraged to bring their knitting supplies and materials.
4. Relaxing Atmosphere:
The program promotes a stress-free and relaxing environment where individuals can unwind, destress, and tap into their creativity.
Join Knitting Workshop to explore the world of knitting, improve your skills, and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow knitting enthusiasts. Whether you're a seasoned knitter or a complete beginner, there's a warm seat and a ball of yarn waiting for you in our knitting circle.
Activity members will learn the basic techniques and different motifs/patterns of hand knitting arts in a very friendly and cordial atmosphere. Through the acquired knowledge and techniques, the group members will be able to make their own jerseys and stoles. sweaters, vests, scarves, and cardigan jackets. The activity group members will also display their work in the major MOTM annual events.
在譚太悉心指導下,各學員均有非常好的成績,作品之中有披肩、頸巾,背心,冷裙,外套等。有些學員由最初連基本針法都不懂,到最後穿著自已的製成品在 Year end party 上作時裝表演。每星期各學員上課除了學習如何編織之外,亦是聯絡感情最好的地方,大家聚埋一齊,天南地北,閒话家常,大家由不大相識的會員逐漸變成好朋友。
Activity Information
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Dance Studio at Milliken Mills Community Centre
Instructor - Cecilia Tam
Convener - Cement Lau
For more information, please contact the Activity Conveners at the Activity venue during the scheduled time slots.